Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't you

Well I guess I should start by saying that I still don't know about this blogging thing but this is only my second post. Second I should get to the point of this party post or whatever. I just have to start by saying that I am not a church goer don't get me wrong I believe in the big man and know that he gives us miracles every day, Things like getting out of bed and giving us a bed to sleep in a warm home to stay in and giving me a beautiful little girl who grows and thrives every day. What gets me is the people who claim to be so close to him and cheat, lie, steal, cuss and drink. I know that I am not one to preach I know that I am not one that is close to him in a way that would make people feel him with me like some I know but what I do know is those who do claim that they are all holy and that they are so Christian and then they put their kids last if there is a need or they cheat and get assistance with food or daycare and buy cigeretts and beer or they get that soda that they can't live with out or so they think and people who send their kids outside for the neighbor to watch so they can have time to talk on the phone or get up and leave to run errands is just to much for me. I know that I don't deserve the worlds best mother award by any means but what I do know is that My daughter is mine and it is no ones job to raise her but mine!! and she is my blessing I was told I can't have any more babies and she was all I could have I miss having the baby days with first steps and giggles and smiles with out the teeth but I have something that most moms miss out on and that is having just one baby that is mine to teach to talk to, to bond with I love my baby and what a blessing she is to me know I know  I have put way to many topics in this post but I am just to busy trying to say so many things and as I know (and so do most mothers) your mind never rest when you are awake and some never get the chance to sleep. please note that I am just rambleing on and on because I have made a goal to make at least one post a week. so in closeing ( when I was a kid that was what the preacher used to say when there was only about 30 minutes left in his sermon) I will just say be thankful for what God has blessed you with and Never Never EVER take anything for granted because you never know when something could be taken from you.